Looking Forward to Lent

I may be odd, but Lent is my favorite part of the church calendar. Why? To use a very crass analogy, I find that I obtain spiritual "capital" that I can use the entire year. And now, I really need Lent--I am running a bit low spiritually speaking.

In the past few years, I have found that rather than give up something for Lent, I gain much more by adding something--I try to focus my reading on faith. Last year I focused on atonement. The year before, I used Lent to read the first three volumes of N.T. Wrights' tome on Jesus. So, I am now open to suggestions on good books or topics I can use to focus myself this coming Lent. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said…
Lent is my favorite season of the liturgical calendar also. It represents a call to remember that Jesus gave everything for us. And I like that we focus more on inward things, and this is understood by people that know us. Though I do give up some things, mainly it is to allow me to have more time for study, contemplation and meditation. (Note that I am a bit of a sudoku addict.)

Alice in Phoenix
Anonymous said…
I forgot: book recommendations. Marcus Borg as a counterbalance to N.T. Wright. I enjoyed the one they wrote together. Also any number of contemplative books that focus on the seven last words, such as Rutledges book.

Peace and Love

Alice in Phoenix

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