History of Religion

Here is another cool map. The history of 5000 years of religion in 90 seconds.

You can find lots of similar use of maps to show history here and here.


pmc said…
chuck, that map is awesome!

I am going to share it around the history and the religion/philosophy departments! wow, really cool...

Also, like your link to Jake's recent entry...I too am one who would like to see the 'so called' orthodox continue to worship with the 'so called' progressives...

I thin many of these labels have lost their usefulness and appreciate Jim Wallis, Brian McLaren and Diana Butler Bass's discussions about the ways that our old linear thinking about "right and left" don't work so well anymore ...

Thanks for all the good posts!


Anonymous said…
Cool Map, but what about Lao Tzu and Daoism?

Alice in Phoenix

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