Replacing Kyoto

As I have noted, there is growing concern that the Kyoto framework is flawed, and is not the appropriate framework to address climate change. Larry Summers recent column in the Financial Times makes this point quite well. The Business of Green blog describes a diplomatic process that may be the start of something new:
More than 1000 Delegates from more than 160 nations began meeting today in Bonn to decide what kind of treaty should replace the 10 year old Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. That program, which sets targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in developed nations, was never signed by the United States (the worlds largest emitter) and did not apply to China and India (two other major polluters) because they are developing nations.

But now, a good replacement for Kyoto — one that draws in all of the worlds major polluters — is ever more urgent than it was 10 years ago: In 3 reports this year the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that global warming is real, serious and caused by human activity.

Today’s gathering in Bonn marks the start of a two week preliminary meeting to discuss ideas about what should replace the Kyoto Protocol, which will be followed by a larger preliminary meeting in Bali later this year. A final proposal should come by 2009. Any idea on how to include these huge polluters like the U.S. and China?


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