Father Jones Gives Us Inside Information of Former Governor McGreevey and GTS

As many of you know, the media is reporting that former New Jersey Governor McGreevey will attend attend General Theological Seminary, with the intent of becoming an Episcopal priest. McGreevey resigned resigned in November of 2004 after admitting to an extra-marital affair with another man. (It is important to note that the real scandal was not the affair, but the fact that the Governor placed his lover in an important state position).

Father Greg Jones has some information that contradicts what has been reported int he media:
As a member of the Board of Trustees of General Theological Seminary, and an alumnus, I was very upset by this news. I spent much of my day last Thursday discussing the matter with fellow trustees and seminary administration.

It has been confirmed to me directly that the facts were not correct as reported. Jim McGreevey is not in the process of discernment for ordination in the Diocese of New York. He does not have any kind of 'permission' from the Bishop of New York to begin studies for the priesthood. His rector and parish -- St. Bart's -- do not have him in any kind of parish level discernment process.


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