Souls, Life and Abortion

Professor James McGrath has a very interesting post today on the abortion issue--and in particular how the moral issues are more complicated than either side wants to admit:

There is a wonderful articulation of a serious and balanced pro-life position in Jonah Goldberg's most recent piece in the National Review Online, "Life Matters". He says up front that there is much he does not know about the soul, its relationship to life, and what we mean by it in the case of a recently-fertilized egg. He also acknowledges that, if one is talking about consciousness, then life does not begin at conception. He thus has no passionate feelings about "Plan B" and other methods of terminating a pregnancy within a few hours or days of conception, but does feel strongly about other issues like partial-birth abortion.

I think there is on this topic, like so many others, room for an alliance in the middle between those who reject both extremes. There are many people who are pro-choice only in the sense that they object to abortion personally on religious grounds, but do not feel it is appropriate to legislate for others on the basis of those religious views. There are some who are pro-choice because, although they regard abortion as an evil, they also acknowledge that there may be instances in which it is the lesser of two or more evils. And there are those who are pro-life in the sense that they object strongly to procedures that would end the life of a healthy baby in the advanced stages of development because this is convenient, without having similarly strong opposition to ending a pregnancy in a period in which most pregnancies spontaneously cease anyway.

Anyone who has suffered a miscarriage even in early stages of pregnancy knows that there is a sense of loss. Very few who make arguments about life beginning at conception would be opposed to a D&C being performed in the case of a molar pregnancy, in which clearly an egg has been fertilized, but no baby will every develop from it.

Perhaps the reason there is such passionate debate about this issue is our desire to bring clarity to a foggy domain. The problem, as Goldberg points out, is that it seems easy to give answers about a newly-fertilized ovum and a baby about to be born, but the development that takes place continuously in between makes it hard to figure out where to draw the line. But the result is that both sides may end up pushing the line so far one way or the other in a desire to counter the apparent unreasonableness of their opponents that more harm is done to the living - and by this I do not mean just the baby - than either side would approve of in another situation.

This is a tough issue, with a lot of uncertainty, but most people agree that there are distinctions to be made, even if they aren't sure where to make them. Turning to the Bible for answers not only doesn't resolve the issue (since it has little to say on the subject that is clear, apart from in Numbers 5:11-31, where abortion seems to be mandated) , it shouldn't resolve the issue. We know far more about human development in the womb than any Biblical author could have.The terrain is continuous. Many wish to stake out a position in the middle. If we are to do so, we must draw our own lines. How do we decide where to draw them?

Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
So kids 11-14 can get birth control pills without Mom and Dad knowing in a Maine Middle School? Wait...was that 11 years old???? Huh? I mean is it really 11 years old?

One thing that's increasingly irritated me for about the last 4 years are all of the Viagra, Levitra on TV that openly discuss sex and "4 hour erections". Ever been watching with your 10 year old niece in the room? Or perhaps 8 year old nephew? Or any kid that doesn't need to be seeing ads like that? It's a little awkward. What kind of discussions does this spur for little Jimmy and his buddies or young Sally and her girlfriends at a sleepover?

Where do these drug companies get off putting those adds out at family viewing time and where do the networks who accept the add money get off approving it? Oh wait, could it possible be all about the money(as opposed to right and wrong) IN THE SHALLOW END OF THE POOL? Could this having something to do with young kids "bringing sexy back" at a younger and younger age? Could the national circus sourounding our friendlyneightborhood ex-President Clinton's horrific decision to play cigar and popsicle games with a 23....yes, 23 year old intern that he had lots of control and influence over have anything to do with it? Could the fact that Mom is just as likely these days to have to work to support our lifestyles versus nurturing and raising a child at home(at least until 5) have anything to do with it?

Just wondering. Thoughts anyone?
In my home, we rent DVDs and don't watch TV (as such). Some TV shows we watch after they come out on DVDs. This has given me more control over what my children watch, and we don't have to waste our time watching silly commercials. Of course, they go over to other people's houses and watch those commercials. So it is not a perfect solution. But at least I tried.
In my opinion, the problem is that some people just like to get into other people's face and tell them what to do. That's the problem.

Personally, I'm anti-Abortion and Pro-Choice. Abortion is a poor form of birth control, and it is safer to have a child than have an abortion. At least that is what my wife told me, she is an OB-GYN. Having said that, I figure it should be the woman's choice to decide what to do, and everyone else should leave her alone.

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