Tonight: A Democratic Presidential Debate on Faith , Values and Poverty

Progressive Christian Sojourners will host a CNN live broadcast of leading Democratic presidential contenders Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Barack Obama tonight, for A Presidential Forum on Faith, Values, and Poverty at Lisner Auditorium of The George Washington University. CNN will broadcast this first-of-its-kind event live as a special edition of The Situation Room from 7-8 p.m. ET. Jim Wallis, CNN's Soledad O'Brien, and nationally prominent religious leaders will ask questions of the candidates. This event is co-sponsored by Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, the ONE Campaign, Oxfam America, and Eastern University.

Here is Jim Wallis' take on tonight's debate:

"We are excited that the leading candidates will be meeting with faithful voters who are hungry for a real conversation about the big moral issues of our time," said Wallis. "The forum will focus on faith and values, with a special emphasis on poverty. This conversation will offer faithful voters insights into each candidate’s moral compass and help to guide their decisions as they consider the candidates running for president of the United States."

For the Democrats of faith, this is a very important event. Watch it and tell me what you think.

Hat tip to Pastor Chuck Currie for the link.


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